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Event ThanksGiving 2023- A few pictures at Phat To Temple this morning to make thousand of hot vegetarian meals.

A few pictures at Phat To Temple this morning to make thousand of hot vegetarian meals. To make all these meals, Phat To temple monks, nuns, volunteers had to work day and night for the last 3 days. Many thanks to all on behalf of all the homeless and the less fortunate Mot so hinh anh sang nay tai chua Phat to lam 2000 phan com chay cho nhung quy vi Vo gia cu.

De thuc hien nhung phan com chay nay, quy Thay quy co, quy Phat Tu va nhieu thien nguyen vien da lam suot ngay dem trong 3 ngay qua.

Xin thay mat cho nhung quy vi Vo gia cu kem may man, xin chan thanh to long biet on va cam ta den tat ca moi nguoi ❤️🙏Pls give a hand to help a live in this Holidays season

Cau mong moi nguoi cung gop mot ban tay giup do nhung quy vi kem may man trong mua le lanh gia nay PS: everyone

please feel free to add in my Thanksgiving 2023



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